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In celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health America (MHA) is sharing practical
tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase their resiliency.
While one in five people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces
challenges in life that can impact their mental health. In fact, among the people who took an
anxiety screen at in 2020, 64% felt afraid, as if something awful might happen
at least half of the time or nearly every day. Another 50% of people who took MHA’s depression
screening in 2020 reported feeling that they were a failure or had let their families down nearly
every day. 

There are practical tools everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency,
regardless of the situations they are dealing with. One way to check in with yourself is to take
a mental health screen at It’s a quick, free and private way to assess one’s
mental health and recognize signs of mental health problems. Living a healthy lifestyle and
incorporating mental health tools to thrive may not be easy but can be achieved by gradually
making small changes and building on those successes.
For more tools and information from Mental Health America, and to access the #Tools2Thrive
outreach kit in its entirety, visit